Customer Service Satisfaction Research

I have come across many customer service hotlines where they ask my willingness to participate in a short research after the query is handled. Most organizations use an automated messaging system to play this message even before they answer my query. Imagine the situation… I’m calling because I have a problem or doubt or question or need help… so instead of answering my phone quickly they waste time asking me whether I will answer a survey. I always feel disappointed & say NO to such requests.

Yesterday I called up Starwood Preferred Guest hotline. They handled my booking request and a query on one of their properties in Bali. As always my experience was great and as I was about to end the call… the customer service executive requested me to take part in a short survey. I happily gave highest possible rating – took me 2-3 minutes but I didn’t grudge them as my queries were answered promptly.

I think a lot of organizations don’t really think about the ‘Human Experience’ on the other side of the telephone line. All they care about is getting their message out and in the process cause irritation.