Pushkar SaneAugust 30, 2010 ObservationsTraining or Learning 633 views1 minute read I was chatting with a set of industry friends on importance of digital. My friends from analogue side… 0 Shares 0 0 0
Pushkar SaneAugust 29, 2010 LifeStretching Birthday 529 views1 minute read I celebrated my birthday on 22nd August. Thanks to all the social platforms wishes started pouring in from… 0 Shares 0 0 0
Pushkar SaneAugust 28, 2010 ObservationsLess Boring 500 views1 minute read On Friday I visited a tier 3 town in Guangdong, China. We were doing an immersion exercise with… 0 Shares 0 0 0
Pushkar SaneAugust 25, 2010 ThoughtsNano Presentations 637 views1 minute read We’re living in an age where torture by powerpoint happens in every meeting and death by powerpoint happens… 0 Shares 0 0 0
Pushkar SaneAugust 18, 2010 MarketingTwitter Tales 502 views1 minute read Yesterday Twitter announced launch of Twitter Tales with 3 stories featuring @natashabadhwar (mother/filmmaker/photographer/writer from New Delhi), @caltrain (a crowd-sourced… 0 Shares 0 0 0
Pushkar SaneAugust 17, 2010 TechnologyA Time Piece or Pieces that show Time? 506 views1 minute read When I was a kid owning a wrist watch was a big thing and usually one got it… 0 Shares 0 0 0
Pushkar SaneAugust 17, 2010 LifeNature’s Slide Show 534 views1 minute read I’m always amazed by natural slide shows created by mother nature. It takes the man-made objects and make… 0 Shares 0 0 0
Pushkar SaneAugust 16, 2010 MarketingPOV on Yahoo’s deal with Google Japan 474 views1 minute read Recently Yahoo Japan announced its decision to power its search through Google. Here is my point of view… 0 Shares 0 0 0
Pushkar SaneAugust 14, 2010 ObservationsRespect for National Anthem 478 views1 minute read India will celebrate independence day on 15th August and millions of students will go to schools/colleges to attend… 0 Shares 0 0 0
Pushkar SaneAugust 12, 2010 TechnologyExpanding user base through iPad 467 views2 minute read A lot has been written about Apple and Steve Job’s brilliance in engaging youth and adults around the… 0 Shares 0 0 0